Sustainable construction has a plethora of benefits in every stage of a constructionproject. Improved health due to safer materials, increased productivity thanks to better surroundings and more effective noise protection are only a few of the advantages. Green buildings can improve life quality

Unit7 Group is committed to promoting sustainability and understands the range of impacts construction and associated site activities has on communities. It is the policy of Unit7 Group and all Sub-Contractors / Suppliers appointed to undertake works & supply products / materials, to protect the environment through sound practices that reduce waste generation, minimise risk to the environment and preserve energy. We aim to follow and to promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities and to help our clients and partners to do the same.
We will undertake all construction and refurbishment activities in line with the following Targets
- Reuse and recycle resources on site, through sustainable management of materials, to reduce and ultimately eliminate waste in construction
- Re-use existing built assets and construct new, long lasting, energy conscious and future proof (adaptable and flexible) buildings and structures which are easy to maintain, operate and deconstruct
- Minimise carbon emissions during construction
- Increase the use of energy efficient solutions in design and material resources, while considering the whole life costs, to reduce environmental impacts from the use of energy, resources and hazardous substances
- Minimise and conserve natural resources such as stone, timber and other materials and Proactively create, manage and enhance wildlife habitats and natural landscapes
- Contribute to social and economic regeneration by employing and nurturing a committed, skilled and adaptable workforce, working in an environment of zero accidents and incidents with appropriate arrangements for education and training, employment, health and safety
This policy statement sets the direction of UNIT7 by communicating its management values, beliefs and commitment to the welfare of its people. We are committed to do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure the welfare of its employees, contractors, members of the general public and those who may be affected by its activities
We are committed to continually improving our worker welfare policy for the betterment of everyone associated with us.Unit7 Group firmly believes that dignified living and working conditions and social and economic well-being of the employees are essential to unlocking human potential. These factors are essential to Unit7’s mission of raising the quality of life for their workers. Our Policy ensures that employment harmony is maintained across all operations of Unit7 . This also applies when engaging JV and Sub Contractor personnel. It is the responsibility of Unit7 to ensure that all applicable local Laws and regulations are adhered to and we are committed to :
- Prohibition against all forms of illegal discrimination, and provide equal and fair treatment to all employees on the basis of merit
- Promoting a just, fair and harassment free work place to all
- Eliminate all elements of victimization
- Maintain open communication channels
- Continue to be an employer of choice
- Create safe and healthy working environment for all
Worker Welfare Policy focuses on retaining and further developing the human capital under the motto & Building on People. This Policy applies to all those who are directly controlled by Unit7 Group and its activities.

Maintaining the highest standards and quality output is our core principle. We constantly stay up-tune with the Quality procedures mirroring ISO standards to meet the expectation of clients.
The Quality Assurance System is administrated through written policy, procedures, and instructions by QCD. Written instruction is provided to cover work, inspection, and test instructions for individual services. Quality records are generated through the implementation of the Quality Assurance System to provide objective evidence of compliance and measure the effectiveness of the system.